Elizabeth Dougherty, Michael Neas & Sudhanshu Pathak

USPTO Extravaganza
A Dialog With The Inventors Society Of South Florida


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This will be incredible. Seven high profile experts will be discussing various topics and programs of interest related to their departments for Independent Inventors or as they call us Stakeholders because we have a stake in the patent process. It will be a dialog so have your questions ready. Here are the speakers.

Elizabeth Dougherty Eastern Regional Outreach Director https://bit.ly/2Mx80XU The Outreach Offices’ goal is to promote innovation and stimulate the economy by connecting entrepreneurs to government resources, supporting students and teachers through our STEM education programs, gathering feedback from regional stakeholders, and recruiting diverse talent from the region. She and her staff put this whole event together.
Craig Morris Managing Attorney for Trademark Outreach https://bit.ly/30gdfDk He is spearheading the effort for increased USPTO educational activities in the area of trademark fundamentals. Don’t forget, that the right trademark can be worth more than the actual invention.

Michael Neas Deputy Director of the International Patent Legal Administration https://bit.ly/3cG20ad his is the second biography. His office deals with the Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT providing training, applications as well as resolving legal issues. There is a ton of misinformation about the use of PCTs. He will set the record straight.
Elizabeth Brown eMod Project Manager, Office of Patent Information Management She helps oversee the development of the Patent Center, the new tool to replace the Electronic Filing System EFS-Web and the Patent Application Information Retrieval system PAIR. If you are unfamiliar with PAIR, it is a powerful tool that allows you to see the prosecution details of any published patent application and issued patent. I have heard wonderful things about the new system and look forward to this preview.

Sudhanshu Pathak Supervisory Patent Examiner, Office of Innovation Development, ProSe Assistance. The ProSe program offers assistance to inventors filing and prosecuting their own patents without legal counsel. However, a lack of skill in this field usually acts as a liability in affording the maximum protection for the invention disclosed. USPTO employees (including ProSe Assistance and the examiner of record) cannot give legal advice. I have always contended that the estimated commercial value of the invention should be used as a guide to the cost of its’ application and prosecution.

To Be Determined They are getting a Primary Examiner to give you a backstage view of the examination process

Dan Gladding Supervisor, Inventors Assistance Center IAC I have used this resource hundreds of times. It is staffed by former supervisory and primary patent examiners. They can answer all sorts of questions related to the proper forms to use, how to fill them out, they are incredibly helpful. They will not give legal advice or help you write a claim but they have explained certain issues I had regarding the meaning of certain words.

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